Surrogates with Abundant Life will receive compensation starting at $42K and up and proven up to $50-60K depending on the surrogate’s state of residence.
As a matched surrogate you will undergo psychological and medical screenings.
This fee is meant to cover mileage to appointments, childcare, vitamins, supplements and other expenses incurred prior to and during the IVF cycle.
Your payments will begin to be disbursed prior to the embryo transfer.
Generally around the time you begin taking medications to prepare your body for this amazing journey and continue throughout your entire pregnancy.

The Path to Parenthood through Surrogacy
Step 1:
Contact us through one of the various platforms we have available by phone, email or Internet.
Step 2:
Once contact has been made, we will send you an intake form to fill out. This form allows us to see if you meet the basic requirements for becoming a surrogate. Once you return your intake we will contact you to set up an interview with you via person, phone or even skype. This is a great time to answer any questions you may have as well as give you some things to think about.
Step 3:
Commitment forms, home study, profile creation and more!
This is quite the active time for you as a surrogate. The first part of this equation is to complete your profile questionnaire. This is quite lengthy and in depth, but it is the best tool we have for finding you the right match. At this time we also ask you to sign our commitment form, which will allow you to begin attending our monthly support groups. They are a great place to connect with other women in various stages of the journey you are about to embark on. We will also set up a time to verify the information you provided on your profile, such as address, living environment, safety and nonsmoking household. and support network. If you don’t have any photos for your profile we are more than happy to take them at this time. 🙂 During this stage we will also have you sign background check release, go in for a basic drug test and allow for release of medical records from your previous pregnancies. We are available to help in anyway we can!
Step 4:
Let the matching begin!
During this time we will be sending your profile to various parents for review and we may also be giving you their profiles to look at. Once a potential match has been made we will set up interviews via phone or Skype. On the rare occasion we can also set up interviews in person if both parties are comfortable.
Step 5:
Selection and evaluations.
Once you and your intended parents have been matched legal and medical processes will begin. We ask that both of you sign a commitment form to create an atmosphere of trust and openness. Your parents will begin the contract process with a lawyer specializing in third party reproductive law. We also require that they fund a separate lawyer to represent your best interest. This will also be the time that you will begin to have medical evaluations to make sure that your body is capable of carrying a baby through IVF. Both you and your intended parents will have psychological and medical evaluations preformed at our local reproductive clinic or one of their choosing. If they choose a clinic outside of our area the Intending Parents are responsible for all travel expenses and arrangements. You can also call on us anytime to help with facilitating these arrangements.
Step 6:
Start of medications and transfer!
This is one of the most exciting times of the process. You will begin taking medications to prepare your body for pregnancy as well as endure multiple blood tests and internal ultrasounds. After a few short weeks, your body should be ready for the implantation of the embryo(s)!! It can be both exciting and stressful! Within 3 days of the implantation, you will receive your transfer fee. As always we will be here for both you and your intending parents throughout this entire process.
Step 7:
Awaiting heartbeat confirmation and release to OB.
This can be a very intense time for some carriers and their intending parents. It is about 5 weeks from implantation until heartbeat ultrasound. During this time there will be a couple of blood tests to check on the progression of the pregnancy. It is so amazing to see baby’s heartbeat for the very first time. Upon record of healthy heartbeat, you will begin receiving monthly compensation as stated in your contract. After confirming a healthy and viable pregnancy, the clinic will release you into the care of an OB that you have chosen and your intending parents have approved.
Step 8:
The pregnancy progresses.
At this stage you will go about life as any other expectant mother. Carrying your Intending Parents precious cargo with the utmost care. Your monthly installments will begin at this time and continue until your baby arrives. There will be regularly scheduled Doctor appointments and routine ultrasounds as well as any recommended testing. You will want to talk with your intending parents about birth plans and hospital arrangements. We are more than happy to provide guidance in this area as well.
Step 9:
Their baby is coming!
As your due date draws near, your intending parents may want to be close to you so as not to miss this momentous event. We are here to help make travel arrangements, facilitate hotel stays or temporary housing, even entertainment options if necessary. When the big day arrives we will do everything in our power to make sure that everything goes off as smoothly as possible. When you see the face of joy as they lay eyes on their baby for the first time is a moment that will never be forgotten.
Step 10:
Legal finalization and final payments.
As you are preparing to head home and resume life with your family there will be a few “housekeeping” items to finalize. The hospital and lawyers will need signatures from all involved parties releasing the baby into your intending parents custody. There is one final installment due to you once the baby is released from the hospital.
And there you have it!
Hopefully these 10 steps will help guide you as you are journeying through this surrogate process. As always our goal is to share this journey with you from start to finish and beyond. It truly is our honor to be a part of your amazing miracle.