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What brought you to want to be a surrogate?? Here are answers from some of our surrogates:


When I first heard about surrogacy when I was about 17, I thought it would be so amazing to have a baby and give a deserving person or couple a chance at being a parent. I just knew this was something I was born to do! This has been such an incredible experience and I can’t wait to do another journey! —Kira P


What brought me to want to be surrogate? My son is the greatest blessing I’ve ever had, and I wanted to give someone that joy. I wanted to see the happiness in their eyes when they held their baby, knowing I was able to help them build their family. —Katelyn P


The reason I became a surrogate was because my whole world crumbled when my mom died 1/1/14. Two weeks earlier I had filed for divorce. My life felt meaningless, unsuccessful, and worthless at that point. My daughter was the only positive thing I had going for me as a newly single mom.
My wish for my daughter was to keep my mom’s memory alive and the morals she instilled in me to give when you can and go above and beyond in ways most people wouldn’t. It was then I decided that no better way to honor my mother than to allow another family to become parents and show my daughter the amazing gift of giving, that my mother would be super proud of us, and that family isn’t always blood. My intended parents are family, as is my surrogate baby. They have honored me by calling me Aunt Stef or in Hebrew- Dodah Stef so the baby knows I’m family too. We just celebrated her second birthday and are planning a sibling journey this summer. I never knew how much this journey would change not only their lives, but mine as well. I feel so blessed, accomplished, successful in a way I cannot explain, and loved- truly unconditionally loved! —Stefanie M


I started my adult life as a mom so I’ve known nothing other than being a mom. It’s who I am and what I was meant to be. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. Over the years I have come to realize how hard it is for some people to have children of their own. That it’s impossible for some people to have children of their own without the use of a surrogate. I always wanted to be a surrogate for my brother who later decided he didn’t want to have children of his own so I continued my journey into finding more about being a surrogate. To me the timing was never right.  I’ve had three children, probably the easiest pregnancies known to mankind and I bounce back very easily.  I knew my body was made for babies. I was always afraid that I would be too emotionally attached to the baby to let that baby go home to his family. After watching a friend of mine go through surrogacy really closely I decided I could do it. The time was right. I met with the girls at Abundant Life Surrogacy and I instantly fell in love with their motto, their welcoming personalities and the amount of support they provided. I had no doubt in my mind that my decision was the right one.  Now I’m 6 weeks pregnant with a baby boy who’s about to make 2 daddies dreams come true. —Holli B


I’ve wanted to be a surrogate after I had my firstborn. I loved pregnancy and couldn’t wait to do it again and I immediately wanted to help someone have their own family. I looked into it at the time, but I was too young, and my partner wasn’t very supportive of it. Fast forward about 5 years– I’d been divorced, met my boyfriend and had had another baby, my youngest.  The love of pregnancy was still there so I knew it was time to look into my options again as far as an agency or how to get the ball rolling. My family member was actually going through a surrogacy of her own and I reached out to see who she was going through and how she got started and the more she told me about the agency she was with, the more I wanted to see if they’d be a good fit for me as well. And the rest, as they say, is history. I had a successful delivery of my surro twins. And after time to heal I’m working on my second journey with another family and I love it and this agency. —Latisha D


Okay, cheese ball warning, but here we go. Surrogacy was one of the best things I’ve ever done, aside from having my own little minions. So here it is. I have wanted to do surrogacy since I was old enough to know what it was. My godparents were the sweetest, most kind people I’d ever known and couldn’t have their own kids and we’re always willing to take care of me when my mom needed it and it made me wonder why and how I could help. Then after having my first baby it hit me like a ton of bricks, the feeling in your soul, that “I would jump in front of a moving train for this tiny little human” feeling. I remember the first time my babies cried. I remember the first time I touched them and kissed them, and that was enough. I really started looking into surrogacy thinking “there are really people out there that can’t experience this on their own?” I remember feeling almost guilty that I could, and others couldn’t and maybe this was perfect for me. —Erica J


I became a surrogate so that others could experience the fulfillment I’ve had getting to be a parent. My child is my biggest blessing, and everyone deserves that chance to feel and give that love to and from a child if they want it. I wanted to be part of the solution. —Katie Y


I don’t really know the exact reason that brought me to want to do surrogacy. I knew I always wanted to help other families and when I found a legit place to do it, I didn’t think twice. —Jamie V

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