This month’s feature story is here! It is such a difficult thing to express the incredible feelings for such a journey. But read this and tell me you don’t want to do a journey of your own!


Surrogacy… How do you put this experience into words? Words will never do it justice. There is just too much emotion involved, but I will do my best to share my story.

As I was pregnant with my second child, I went through all the emotions, i.e. wanting another child, terrified, and ready to be done. I had discussions over and over with my husband and I knew we were done. I was completely content with two kids under two, yet I didn’t feel finished. I did some research and found Abundant Life Surrogacy in Boise, Idaho. After many questions and time, I was matched with Rich and Dario from London. The process to get there is long, and I often relate it to online dating. You end up taking a risk and hoping your personalities are suited.

Well, we were a perfect match! My husband and I immediately got along with our new family, and 6 long months later we did a transfer. We were blessed with a pregnancy on our first try! Sharing this journey with another family is so amazing. I had a built-in set of “groupies” (aka parents) who want to hear the good and bad details of each day. I would send photos and share updates of my growing belly and keep them up to date with my family, and they would tell us about baby preparations. Four months into the pregnancy I was able to take my husband, sister, and kids to London to visit. We spent a week being tourists, and spending quality time with Rich and Dario. London was amazing, and we were all grateful to meet in person before delivery.

The next few months went by like most, far too quickly! As we got closer to our due date, anxiety started to build for everyone. Living in London, Rich and Dario would take 12 plus hours minimum to get here, and I was very sure my labor would not last anywhere near 12 hours. My doctor was amazing and knew our situation, so at a check-up at 37 weeks 3 days he checked my cervix. Well thank goodness he did, because I was in early stages of labor. Labor is unpredictable though, so it only made us all that much more unsure! Dario had a feeling and encouraged them to come to Idaho sooner than planned. So, two days after my check up, the parents arrived in Idaho. We spent the next day together showing them around town a bit and catching up. We all made guesses about when baby boy would arrive and were all surprised when it was the very next morning!

At 38 weeks I had started contractions at 5 am. I stayed calm and took my time, leaving my house about 7 am to head to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital just before 8 am, and realized I was very far into labor. No time for an epidural, and within 20 minutes of arriving I was pushing! My husband, sister, parents, and Rich and Dario were all in the room for support. Roman Alexander was born only 45 minutes after I arrived at the hospital! We wanted Dario to have skin to skin with Roman immediately, and so I scooted over on my bed and let him climb on. This was such a crazy moment, to deliver this baby and watch as he was given to his father right next to me. The joy everyone shared that day was indescribable!

We were able to spend a lot of time together over the next month, as they waited for paperwork and such. Our bond grew stronger, and I got to watch them navigate as new parents. It was a sad day when they left for London again, but we knew that we were now family, and would all speak and see each other soon. Since then we have shared texts and photos, video chats, all keeping up with each other. When Roman was 6 months old, I was able to spend a week with them in London again! It was so fun to see Rich and Dario, and to snuggle that little boy!

Now it has been over a year since Roman was born, and we still speak often. We share quite a story, and because of that we will always stay connected. Our journey isn’t over yet either, as Rich and Dario would like to give Roman a sibling. I for one, can’t wait to do it all again! This was by far one of the most special things I have been a part of, and I will never run out of good things to say! I was able to help build a family, and by doing that I grew my own family as well!


Categories: News.

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