Are you eagerly waiting for this month’s Feature Story?! We are late at posting it, but the wait is over. This story comes from Laura – an amazing surrogate who completed her first journey. I absolutely love hearing the connections and lifelong friendships that are made during these journeys!


My surro journey began about a year before I joined with Abundant Life Surrogacy. I mulled the idea around for a while before a friend put me in touch with Amber. I was told the process of getting matched could take a long time because of matching, medical, and all the legal stuff. My case from the very start was unique. After the personality profile was complete I was matched almost immediately. Medical and contract went smooth and fast as well. From the time I contacted ALS to the time of transfer was less than 6 months, and that included 2 polyp surgeries.

From the very beginning of match the relationship I had with my IP’s was phenomenal! The mother and I felt connected in a way I have never experienced before and doubt I will ever feel again. We honestly felt like we had known each other for our whole lives, and maybe had been separated at birth ! We would talk every day (either call or text, sending each other bitmoji’s and silly memes). Mom would come here for the appointments as often as she could make them, and stayed with me a couple of times where we were able to have girls nights. During these girls nights our time would be spent with her reading books to my two children (with my belly in close proximity), and making sure her hands were on my belly when little kicks, or hiccups would come (and maybe us both eating our “craving” food).

Our relationship continued to grow stronger by the day. Mom, Dad, and Gigi, were present for the birth of my precious surro princess. The room that day was full of the most amazing energy I have ever felt, the love and anticipation in that room made for the most calming birth experience I have ever had. With that calm birth experience came baby L, perfect as can be!

The relationship we built during my time as their surrogate has continued to grow and flourish. This past weekend my family and I had the privilege to join L’s family in celebrating her first birthday! She is a strong willed, smart, beautiful little princess. I consider carrying her one of the biggest honors and pleasures of my life. This is my story, I don’t know if it’s the norm but I am so thankful and blessed that everything worked out just as it did!

Categories: News.

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